Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A/C is with the guy

OK, been dragging the heels with this. The guy now has the Val and assures me he will put a really neat setup under the dash (including replacing the heater).
Should get it back by the end of the week. Bought a '96 Verada as a runaround car for the Summer (it has a wonderful A/C unit), and was also built in Tonsley, SA. Well, it was the cheapest A/C equipped car I could get that was built in the same factory :-)
Going to the U.S. later this year, and hope to get a classic car. Don't really have the money for a classic I want (1970 Dodge Challenger) so may have to settle for a Pontiac ('67 firebird 400 if cheap enough, or 1960s Bonneville convertible). The latter seem quite affordable, whereas the big hemis are a fortune (up to $75,000).

P.S. http://www.nostalgicairparts.com/air-conditioning/170-225cc-six-cylinder-chrysler-compressor-mount-kit-306.php You can get ALL the parts you need, manufactured for $US266.97 plus shipping.
Even with shipping, it's bound to cost less than how I did it.